Oil And Gas

Accredited Investor Leads

Hi everybody! My name is John Fischer, welcome to accreditedinvestors.net. Yes, I got a lot of website. Accredited investor leads, I mean that’s like your number one key word.Accredited investor is someone that makes 200,000 a year for the last two years, has a million net worth not including his…

Financial Leads

Hi everybody, John Fischer, welcome to accreditedinvestor.net. Financial leads, what do I say about financial lead? Everything I have is a financial lead, I would imagine you’re talking about an investment advisor, maybe a stockbroker, you know maybe that’s something you guys would ask for. It’s alright if your investment…

Prequalified Investor Leads

Hi everybody! John Fischer. Happy Veterans Day, yes, its 2018, creditinvestors.net and we’re looking at pre-qualified investor lead. What’s a pre-qualified investor lead– I mean to me a pre-qualified investor lead is exactly what we sell, what we called a BQLA “Broker Qualified Lead Accredited, PP crema stands for “private…

Accredited Investor Lists / List

3Hi everybody! My name is John Fischer, welcome to accreditedinvestors.net, accredited investor list or lists, singular or plural, what’s an accredited investor? Polly want a cracker, can I say this a million times a year, 200,000 income, the last two years, million net worth, not including his home, experience in…