What Qualifies an Accredited Investor?

Last Updated on July 18, 2023 by John Fischer

Understanding the Difference Between an
“Accredited Investor” and a
“Qualified Accredited Investor”

You know why you’re visiting this website right now? Because someone punched into Google “high net-worth investors“. What is a high net-worth investor? I don’t care about high net-worth. What I care about is that he is an “accredited investor“. An accredited investor has to make at least $200,000 a year for the last two years; he must have a net-worth of at least $1 million dollars (not including his home) and he has had to have experience managing his personal portfolio.

So, when you’re looking for high net-worth investors, what does high net-worth mean?

We don’t know what a high net-worth is really. As I mentioned above, the accredited investor MUST have a net worth of at least $1 million (not including his home) in order to be classified as “accredited“. The qualified accredited investor (which you want to target for hedge funds and master private placements) has a quarter million minimum, and must also have $5 million in investable assets, as opposed to the regular accredited investor that has to have just a million net-worth (not including his home).

PPCrema Vs The Big Dogs Investor Leads

(Only Available through SalesLeads.tv Entities)

So, when you’re looking for accredited-investor leads, understand the difference between an “accredited investor” and a “qualified accredited investor“. I hope I straightened that out for you. And, yes, we have qualified accredited investor leads for sale. A matter of fact, we specialize in both. We’ve got PPCrema leads. The PP stands for “Private Placement” and the crema stands for “cream of the crop“.

The Big Dogs are the qualified accredited investor. Best investor leads in the country; we’ve had them for four years now. The Big Dogs are $5.00 a piece; the PPCrema are a $1.00 a piece. Both have a $1000 minimum. For every thousand-dollar leads that you buy, we give you 100 big dogs for free. Why? Cause once you taste ‘em, you’re gonna come back, and that’s all you’re gonna buy. One caution about The Big Dogs– they’re smart, they’re sophisticated; if you give them to a B broker, they’ll eat him for dinner. This guy’s gonna do his due diligence; this guy’s super sharp and you’ll want to give this list to the top one or two guys in your company. The Big Dogs should not be given to a B broker.

If you have any questions or would like to get a free quote from me personally, call me at 561-981-8777 or toll free at 800-590-5323. You may also chat with me here or submit a request online. Thanks for your time and have a great day! God bless. – John Fischer

Accredited Investor Leads for Sale:

Oil & Gas Investments

Precious Metals / Numismatic Coins

Private Placements
