Last Updated on June 22, 2022 by John Fischer specializes in accredited investors and we have many different investor lists that you can choose from. We are affiliated with and we have been in the lead business for over 32 years providing our clients with some of the hottest leads in town.
What are investor lists?
Investor lists are lists of people who meet specific criteria. They are NOT advertisers and they are not required to buy anything. They just simply want to join a list of other investors and receive free information about investment opportunities available to them.
What kind of information do these lists provide?
Our lists provide the names and contact information for potential investors. This includes name, contact numbers, email, address, and more depending on the investor list you decided to purchase.
Why should I use your investor lists?
Every investor list we provide is matched to your specific needs so your dollars go farther than with any other lead company. We are affiliated with, which means that we have many years of experience in producing high-quality leads for our clients at affordable prices. What languages do your investor lists come in?
Can I customize my investor list?
Of course! At we take the time to listen to our clients’ requirements and create a list that fits those needs perfectly. We are very flexible and will customize your investor list exactly as you wish it to be. We work with you every step of the way so that you get a high-quality lead at a reasonable price.
When should I purchase an investor list?
You should purchase an investor list when it is most effective for you. To see which lists are most effective, please contact us and we will work with you to meet your business needs.
How many lists can I buy? Can I buy multiple copies of the same list?
You can buy as many copies of each and every one of our lists as you need to meet your needs. You can have as many different lists as you want depending on your specific needs. What language do your investor lists come in?
How much does it cost?
You will only have to pay a fee once and that is when you purchase your investment lists from us. We work very hard to provide as much information about each investment opportunity as possible to make sure that your money is well spent.